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All Groups Of Animals

Collective Nouns: Unlocking the Secret Names of Animal Groups


The animal kingdom is a diverse and fascinating world, filled with creatures of all shapes and sizes. Sometimes, when we encounter a group of these animals, we may pause and wonder what to call them collectively. This is where collective nouns come into play, providing us with a unique and often amusing way to refer to groups of animals.

The Intriguing Names of Animal Groups

Collective nouns are nouns that refer to a group of specific animals. These nouns can be both common and uncommon, and they often vary based on the species or type of animal being referred to. For example, a group of birds is called a flock, a group of fish is called a school, and a group of dogs is called a pack.

Some collective nouns have more specific names that reflect the behavior or characteristics of the animals in the group. For example, a group of frogs is called an army, a group of owls is called a parliament, and a group of lions is called a pride.

Common Collective Nouns for Animals

Here are some of the most common collective nouns for animals:

  • Flock: Birds
  • Herd: Cattle
  • Pack: Dogs
  • School: Fish
  • Pride: Lions
  • Army: Frogs
  • Parliament: Owls
